(For a more detailed introduction, please refer to the two papers below).

Speechley, W.J., Moritz, S., Ngan, E.T.C., Woodward, T.S. (2012). Impaired evidence integration and delusions in schizophrenia. Journal of Experimental Psychopathology.  3(4): 688-701. PDF

Sanford, N., Veckenstedt, R., Moritz, S., Balzan, R.P., & Woodward, T.S.  (2014).  Impaired integration of disambiguating evidence in delusional schizophrenia patients.  Psychological Medicine, 44(13), 2729-2738. PDF

In the BADE task, participants are required to rate the plausibility of four interpretations of a scenario three times. Three sequential ratings of each interpretation are required as participants are exposed to new evidence about the scenario interpretation after the presentation of each scenario statements. Two of the interpretations are initially plausible explanations that later require revision, and are referred to as lures. One is an option that is highly implausible from the outset and remains so, and is referred to as an absurd interpretation. Finally, one is initially moderately plausible, but gradually become the most plausible, and is referred to as a true interpretation. Participants’ willingness to adjust their plausibility ratings for the scenario interpretations as disambiguating evidence accumulates over the three statement presentations is measured. This task has been reliably found to correlate with the severity of delusions in schizophrenia.


Download the compressed folder in the link below (BADE Task Files) and unpack the files. The package includes one executable file, two configuration files, an instruction guide, and two peer reviewed articles. The instructions for how to initiate and run the task are outlined in the guide.

This version of the BADE task is revised from the version described in the articles included in the package to include a wider variety of lures.

Please find the BADE task below: